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Friday, August 26, 2011

Longest Two Weeks of my Life

If you don't know, I'm leaving a week from Wednesday, and it still feels like it's an eternity away. I have a feeling it won't really sink in that I'm leaving until I'm walking through O'Hare on Wednesday morning. 

Anyway, the actual reason of this post is to tell all of you that while I'm in Italy I'll be blogging on this probably the first of every month. If something really cool happens I'll probably post about it before the first. I'm most likely gonna end up posting the link to this blog on Facebook when I update it, but who knows. 

Also I'm thinking about making a twitter to post random things I do in Italy if any of you really wanna stalk me that much... But I'm not sure how many people I know actually use twitter. 

So thats it, pretty much.